and Media Conference

This conference is at the heart of the SILBERSALZ Science & Media Festival, a multi-day public event jointly initiated by the Robert Bosch Foundation and Documentary Campus. The SILBERSALZ Industry Conference brings together international scientists seeking new ways to communicate their research with the broader public, and media professionals seeking new stories from the frontline of the science and technology.

AC’s curator statement for the 2020 edition, Two Faces of Trust.

A quick look into how we think and curate.

We curated and moderated the following editions: 

The Two Faces of Trust, 2020

This year, the conference is designed as an interactive laboratory for media and science. We have shaped the program around rebuilding public trust as a common challenge for both contemporary science and media, creating a space for crucial interdisciplinary collaboration. As societies face the double challenge of accelerating climate change, democratic backsliding, and COVID-19, new forms of co-creation bridging science and media will prove vital. Envisioned as a hybrid experience, the conference pivoted to a fully-online event, as part of prevention measures against the spread of the pandemic. The program was live-streamed from Leopoldina, German National Academy of Sciences. The virtual conference platform served as a space for crucial interdisciplinary collaboration and offered various networking possibilities for all participants.

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The Science of Love, 2019

This conference program took love as a subject through which scientists and media professionals could confront the challenges and vital importance of their collaboration for democratizing knowledge. The program pursued hypotheses about love and its importance for other discourses—globalization, acceleration, medicalization, epistemology, discrimination, and the Anthropocene. Scientists, creators and communicators turned the conference into a testing ground for these hypotheses, with exciting results. 

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Cyborgs, 2018

Through the lens of the festival theme Cyborgs: Human & Machines, this program explored stories of revolutionary prosthetics, gene-editing and brain-computer interface as striking examples of the challenges and opportunities that science communication faces on the whole. With an emphasis on dialogue, interactivity and actionable learnings, this conference program was designed to inspire scientists seeking new ways to share their research and connect them with media innovators passionate about telling the stories that matter.

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Visions of a Creative Europe